Why you should stop sending emails for marketing and what to do instead

Sure, here’s a possible blog post that discourages email marketing:

If you’re a marketing business, chances are you’ve used email marketing to reach your customers or prospects. However, marketing emails can negatively impact your business more than you think. In this post, I’ll tell you why you should stop sending marketing emails and what to do instead.

Marketing emails are often considered spam
Even if you have a customer’s permission to send them marketing emails, many people regard these emails as spam and delete them without reading them. This means that you are wasting time and resources creating content that will never be seen. Also, if you send out too many marketing emails, your customers may start avoiding your company altogether.

Marketing emails can damage your reputation

If you send marketing emails inappropriately, you could damage your reputation and brand image. Unsolicited or too frequent emails can in fact be considered annoying or intrusive by your customers. This could lead to negative reactions on social media or even spam reports to the proper authorities.

There are more effective alternatives

There are many more effective alternatives to email marketing. For example, iSend which allows you to send whatsapp and sms messages to your target customers automatically and send information, promotions and codes relating to your business to the entire address book.
Customer privacy is important
Finally, sending marketing emails can be considered an intrusive way of collecting customer information. Customer privacy is an important issue and companies that respect their customers’ privacy often build a better reputation and more respect from their customers. Instead of sending marketing emails, you can ask your customers to provide you with their contact information only if they want to receive promotions or information about your business.

In conclusion,

although marketing emails have long been considered an effective marketing tool, they are increasingly seen as annoying and intrusive by customers. Instead of sending marketing emails, there are many more effective alternatives of sending whatsapp and sms messages with iSend. Additionally, it is important to respect customer privacy and seek their consent before collecting their contact information.

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