Post-Holiday Customer Service

Delivering Exceptional Return Experiences

The post-holiday period can be particularly stressful for customer service teams due to an influx of support requests from customers. In this blog, we’ll provide you with helpful tips to effectively handle returns and deliver an exceptional experience to your customers.

1. Offer Quick and Hassle-Free Returns

About 88% of customers say that a company’s overall experience is just as important as the products or services they offer. This means that post-purchase interactions with your brand, including support interactions, matter significantly.

While accepting return products may not be the most pleasant task, it’s an opportunity to stand out from the competition. Since handling returns is a crucial part of the shopping experience, managing them effectively can lead to long-term customer loyalty.

2. Use QR Codes to Direct Customers to the Right Content

Online shopping is convenient, but it comes with certain risks. Customers can’t physically see products before purchasing, which can lead to order issues.

To prevent problems, it’s essential to inform customers about return conditions upfront. One way to do this is by using QR codes. For instance, you can include a QR code in the delivery packages you send to your customers. When they scan it, they’ll be directed to the return policy on your website.

3. Address Frequently Asked Questions About Returns

Provide your customers with answers to frequently asked questions about returns, such as:

  • How do I return my order?
  • What is your return policy?
  • What is your return address?
  • Do I have to pay for the return shipping myself?
  • When will I receive my refund for the returned item/order?

Setting customer expectations regarding return and refund conditions can significantly reduce customer service inquiries. When customers know what to expect, they are less likely to contact the customer service team for updates, thereby reducing the team’s workload.

4. Give Customers the Option to Easily Contact You

During the peak of return orders, managing a high volume of inquiries can be challenging. To handle the increased workload efficiently, you can use a “Click to Chat on WhatsApp” link on your website, powered by iSend.

There are three ways to let your customers contact you via WhatsApp as a chat on your website:

  • Click to chat
  • QR code
  • iSend multichannel widget

Click-to-chat lets customers click an URL to directly start a chat with another person or business via WhatsApp. You can also create a QR code to start a conversation. All you need to do is create the code and place it on your website or printed marketing materials for customers to easily start a chat.


In this article, we explore the benefits of integrating a multichannel chat widget into your website for a seamless WhatsApp customer service experience. iSend’s WhatsApp Business solution provides an excellent platform for this purpose. Let’s take a closer look at how this integration can benefit your customer service team.

1. Automate and Manage Customer Expectations

The holiday season often brings a deluge of similar questions from customers (return conditions, address, shipping cost, etc.). Automation can save your customer service team a significant amount of time by handling repetitive inquiries.

Flowbots, or chatbots designed to follow a specific flow, are perfect for addressing FAQs. These bots ask your customers multiple-choice questions to understand their needs better. As the questions narrow down the options, the bot can provide the required information on the spot. If the customer needs further assistance, the flowbot can forward the conversation to an appropriate support agent. This approach streamlines the customer support process and enhances the overall customer experience.

2. Keep Response Times Low

Customers dislike waiting on hold, especially when they have an issue. Your team should strive to respond to customer inquiries as quickly as possible. Quick replies are an essential tool for achieving this.

Quick replies are pre-written responses to frequently asked questions. Once you’ve added quick replies to your iSend inbox, you can use them to respond to your customers swiftly. This feature not only improves your response time but also saves you from repeatedly typing the same answers and helps your team maintain a consistent tone of voice.

⭐️Pro tip: Your first response time is crucial in determining customer satisfaction levels. iSend’s customer service dashboard offers insights and analytics that provide valuable information on response and resolution times, ongoing conversation volume, topics being discussed, and more.

3. Win Customers During the Post-Holiday Rush

Ensuring top-notch customer service even after the holiday season is crucial. By offering smooth and hassle-free return experiences, you can prevent customers from turning to your competitors and encourage them to keep returning to your brand.

By leveraging iSend’s multichannel widget, you can save valuable time and deliver outstanding service throughout the entire customer journey.


The post-holiday period can be particularly demanding for customer service teams. However, by integrating iSend’s multichannel chat widget into your website and utilizing the automation and quick reply features, you can manage customer expectations efficiently, keep response times low, and ensure customer satisfaction during the post-holiday rush.

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