AI Careers: Emerging Opportunities & Job Growth


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer an abstract concept. It’s a rapidly evolving field transforming numerous industries and creating a myriad of new job roles. This blog will give you insights into the jobs emerging from the field of AI, supported by examples and data.

AI Strategist

Businesses worldwide are increasingly looking to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their operations. This trend has given rise to the demand for AI Strategists. These professionals convert AI opportunities into strategic business plans. They need to have an in-depth understanding of AI, strong business acumen, and exceptional communication skills.

Example: IBM and Google have brought AI Strategists on board to lead AI integration efforts. Data suggests job growth in this field could rise 32% by 2028.

AI Ethics Officer

As AI starts making more decisions that directly impact human lives, the importance of ethical considerations grows. AI Ethics Officers develop and enforce guidelines and policies around AI use, ensuring ethical implementation.

Example: Salesforce has proactively appointed an Ethics Officer to ensure ethical considerations in AI applications. The demand for such roles is likely to rise by 45% in the next five years.

AI Trainer

AI Trainers are specialists who manage, clean, and label data, ensuring AI systems learn accurately and effectively. They also adjust the training based on AI performance.

Example: AI Trainers play a vital role in the success of Alexa and Cortana, the voice assistants at Amazon and Microsoft, respectively. Experts predict the field to grow by 37% by 2027.

AI Lawyer

As AI integration into daily life increases, new legal challenges arise. AI Lawyers specialize in dealing with these legal aspects of AI, tackling issues like intellectual property rights, data privacy, and AI liability.

Example: Law firms like Baker McKenzie have started hiring AI Lawyers. Specialists in this field are likely to see a 35% increase in demand over the next decade.

AI Research Scientist

AI Research Scientists, with their profound understanding of machine learning, deep learning, and other AI technologies, create and implement new AI techniques.

Example: Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have numerous AI Research Scientists on their payroll. As AI advancements keep rising, demand for this role could increase by 40% by 2028.


The evolving landscape of AI will continue to reshape the job market. Despite fears of AI replacing jobs, it is also creating new ones. This exciting time allows us to be part of this change and witness the emergence of new AI-focused roles.

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