💬 New Conversation Based Pricing from WhatsApp to be effective Feb 2022 onwards [1,000 Free Conversations each month] Register for our Webinar to know more
💬 New Conversation Based Pricing from WhatsApp to be effective Feb 2022 onwards [1,000 Free Conversations each month] Register for our Webinar to know more
Chat Button Settings
Customise chat button settings - Choose chat button design, Set color & change CTA text.
Button Style: All possible & attractive button designs.
Background Color: Choose any color to get personalize WhatsApp Chat button.
Button Color
Button Name
Rounded Corner(px)
Margin Bottom(px)
Margin Left(px)
Margin Right(px)
Bottom-Left Bottom-Right
Chat Button Preview
Chat Widget settings
Change your brand name, subtitle, welcome text and default user message
Brand Name
Brand Sub Title
Phone Number with Country Code

Welcome Text
Default User Message
Page Link Page Title
Brand Image Url
Background Color
CTA Text
Border Radius(px)
Open widget by default
True False
Chat Widget Preview
Brand Image
Typically replies within a day
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